Thursday, January 14, 2010

Guard Planning-Semi-Mech

OK, so let the Guard planning continue! One of the things that doesn't get talked about at all is semi-mech. Mech is king of 5th, true, but semi-mech is the secret god. It's in things like Lash/PM/Oblit (Oblit's aren't in transports), Seer Council (Jetlocks), and SW lists (LF and Twolves unmeched).

So, a list:

CCS, 4 Melta, Chimera, Hull HF
PBS, 3 Extra, Chimera, Hull HF
Platoon 1:
PCS, 4 Flamer, Chimera, Hull HF
Infantry Squad, Autocannon, Chimera, Hull HF
Infantry Squad, Autocannon, Chimera, Hull HF
Platoon 2:
PCS, 4 Flamer, Chimera, Hull HF
Infantry Squad, Comissar, Krak Grenades
Infantry Squad, Krak Grenades
Infantry Squad, Krak Grenades


CCS, Hydras and Manticore as usual.

PBS for all kinds of goodness there.

Vendettas for the las.

Now for the different stuff.

PCS with 4 Flamer, Chimera: simple unit. Drive up, tank shock, jump out (if I had to go more than 6"), flambe. Repeat if possible. There will be situations where I'll want to put them in the Valks and outflank, but most of the time they'll go in their Chimeras.

Infantry Squad w/ Autocannon: another simple unit. Step 1: sit on an objective. Step 2: Blast light vehicles. It's not TL (in the Chimera-they can Bring It Down! outside, though) and it's only got 2 shots, but it's just there to hold and harass.

Infantry Squads on foot: blob attack! The now-infamous blob is here (and ready to take a FRFSRF!). Apart from the 90-odd shots of flashlight goodness the blob can output, it's a tarpit without equal. Nothing ruins a Hammernator squad's day like running into one of these, and Dreads and MC feel the same. Why do I have Kraks instead of PW? Well, if they get in with a Dread, PW won't help. With kraks, the blob can acually charge a Podnought or similar and take it down (slowly, but it's better than being there all game).

This list expands well to 1850 and 2000 as well. It's a contest between this and Mechvets. Next time, something weird just for the hell of it.

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