Tuesday, January 12, 2010

So now what?

Well, the Tyranid info keeps piling in-and what it seems to be showing is that Nids will ultimately be a mid-level codex. I guess no-mech armies can't work in 5th after all.

So that being the case, it's off to Guard we go. Now what I desperately want to do for Guard is to use all historical models and make an army themed on the modern US Army. Unfortunately, if I ever want to play in GW sanctioned events, I couldn't use the models. So that's out, unfortunately.

Well, on to lists:

CCS, 4 Melta, Chimera, Hull HF
CCS, 4 Melta, Chimera, Hull HF
PBS, 2 Extra Psykers, Chimera, Hull HF
Vets, 3 Plasma, Chimera, Hull HF
Vets, 3 Plasma, Chimera, Hull HF
Vets, 3 Plasma, Chimera, Hull HF
Banewolf, Hull HF, Smoke
Banewolf, Hull HF, Smoke
3 Hydras


Pretty much your bog standard Mechvets list and basically a copy-paste of what Shep brought to WWShootout. At this points level, this is the definitive version of the build-I can't improve on this in any way (read-it all tweaks back to this).

CSSs are for close-up anti-heavy-armor and orders (last turn Move, Move, Move onto objectives, plasmavet Bring It Down!).

PBS is a great option IMO. Are there games where it'll just sit and Soulstorm? Yes, but a S6 blast that ignores MEQ armor half the time has its uses. And then there are the games where Weaken Resolve will work. WR screws Nob Bikerz and TWolves into the ground, is a great way to dislodge hard-to-kill firebase units like Oblit squads, and helps prevent charges.

Plasmavets. Why Plasmavets? Well, do you really need 9 more meltas in here? No. Between the CCSs and Manticores, Raiders won't stick around for long. Plasmavets are also great against the crop of bandwagon nid players that'll emerge, and since BA are next, plasma>melta against a jump infantry list (if they keep it that way and don't have them riding something dumb like giant bleeding angel ghost vampires). Plasma also works well against Twolves and Termies. It can also do anti-AV 12 pretty well. 3 S7 shots at 24" isn't bad to kill Rhinos.

Banewolves are awesome. Move 12" and drop 2 templates, one of which wounds on 2s and ignores MEQ armor? Awesome.

Hydras are the most efficient autocannon platforms in the game. 12 TL autocannon shots is basically a guarenteed kill on whatever light tank you target, and they can do anti-MC and anti-horde in a pinch. I left HBolters on because they synergize better with the Hydra's role. If you're way in the back and lose your autocannons, do you want to drive all the way up to midfield to roast something? I didn't think so.

Manticores-well, what's not to love about D3 S10 blasts? Anti-everything, really, from Twolves to horde to heavy armor. The only thing they don't do great is terminators, which they can still manage by piling on wounds.

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